Lazy Diver
Lazy Diver

directions to coral street

Directions to Coral Street
(From the Santa Clara/San Jose Area)
Drive time: 1 hour, 30 minutes


  1. Take Highway 101 SOUTH (Towards Salinas/Los Angeles)
    Once you pass under the Capital Expressway Bridge (South San Jose), the mileage to the Highway 156 WEST Exit is 44 miles
  2. Take the Highway 156 WEST Exit (To Monterey Peninsula)
  3. Highway 156 WEST will turn into Highway 1 SOUTH after 9 miles
  4. Stay on Highway 1 SOUTH for 11 miles, until you come to the exit:




    Be aware that there are other Del Monte Avenue Exits for other towns before the one for Pacific Grove.  Make sure it is the exit for Pacific Grove


  5. Once you take the Pacific Grove/Del Monte Exit, you will be on Del Monte Avenue in Monterey.  Stay in the right lane
  6. Stay on Del Monte Avenue.  You will go through a few lights and then the road will open up into 3 lanes (there will be a McDonalds on your left).  Make sure that you are in one of the two most right hand lanes. The road will fork ahead and you will need to be in one of these lanes
  7. Stay on Lighthouse Avenue (You will be driving through downtown Monterey). After you go through several lights, the road will narrow to one lane each way. The road will then fork again (there ill be a pink house directly ahead) and you will need to turn to the right on to 1st Avenue. This is a very short street. AT the stop sign you will be facing directly at the ocean.
  8. At the stop sign, turn left on to Ocean View Blvd. Drive for one quarter of a mile until you come to a public parking lot on your right and a stop sign. Tyurn right and stay on Ocean View Blvd. In less than 100 yards the road will turn to the left and follow the coastline. In one mile you will see Coral Street on your left. The beach is 100 yards ahead on the right. You may park on the ocean side of the street.


Welcome to Coral Street, Monterey, California

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