Lazy Diver
Lazy Diver

point lobos state reserve

Directions to Point Lobos State Reserve
(From the Santa Clara/San Jose Area)
Drive time: 1 hour, 40 minutes


  1. Take Highway 101 SOUTH (Towards Salinas/Los Angeles)
    Once you pass under the Capital Expressway Bridge (South San Jose), the mileage to the Highway 156 WEST Exit is 44 miles
  2. Take the Highway 156 WEST Exit (To Monterey Peninsula)
  3. Highway 156 WEST will turn into Highway 1 SOUTH after 9 miles
  4. Stay on Highway 1 SOUTH for 22 miles (you will go past the town of Carmel). The last stop light that you will come to on Hihway 1 is Rio Road. Drive for two miles on Highway 1 and you will come to Point Lobos State Reserve on your right 


Welcome to Point Lobos State Reserve, Monterey, California

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